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Never be Afraid to Ask!

Never be afraid to ask!

Ask that question that you want to know the answer to - from me you will get an answer or some help! (Disclaimer - It may not always be correct! )

If I share something, I will always answer questions and invite people to take inspiration and increase their knowledge. I try to put back what I'm taking out.

Sharing knowledge and supporting each other is one of the great things about this community on Instagram and Facebook!

Since joining when I got my allotment and a relative beginner to gardening, I have found the hive mind of knowledge here phenomenal due to the generosity of people and I've learnt SO much. I'll always repay that favour and continue to make our community stronger and the best it can be.

There is no joy in competition.

"When you have more than you need, build a bigger table - not a higher fence"

Feel free to find links to the Life on the Lot free resources by clicking the button below:

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